How to do portforwarding with SSH and autossh under Debian.
Create dedicated user, ex. tunnelguy, on both source and destination. I use gid / uid 500 for special accounts. Make sure it's not taken.On both source and destination (as root or sudo):
# groupadd -g 500 tunnelguy
# adduser --firstuid 500 --gid 500 tunnelguy
You can use a "simple" password on the destination first for testing. When everything works you can set hard password or use passwd -l to lock the account. You wont be using password authentication in the future.
On the source:
# su - tunnelguy
$ ssh-keygen
Set no password, save in default location:
$ cat .ssh/
Add the contents of .ssh/ to .ssh/authorized_keys of tunnelguy on destination. Test it from the source:
# ssh -l tunnelguy -i /home/tunnelguy/.ssh/id_rsa
You will be asked to confirm the authenticity of the destination host. Just answer "yes".
Test the tunnel from the source:
# ssh -T -f -L 80:localhost:80 -N -l tunnelguy -i /home/tunnelguy/.ssh/id_rsa
The command should execute and return to the prompt without further notice. Check that ssh is running with ps aux. You should also be able to telnet to localhost at the specified port on source and arrive at the destination. Kill the tunnel and set up autossh. should be enough to replace ssh with autossh:
# autossh -T -f -L 80:localhost:80 -N -l tunnelguy -i /home/tunnelguy/.ssh/id_rsa
To test that autossh works kill the sshd-process on the destination:
# netstat -tnp | grep sshd
tcp 0 36
tcp 0 0
"our" process-ID is 12019, kill it!
# kill 12019
wait a little to let autossh notice that the tunnel is down and reconnect it
# netstat -tnp | grep sshd
tcp 0 36
tcp 0 0
Tada! You can also check what's happened in /var/log/messages.
Add the autossh-command to /etc/rc.local to have it automatically connect when the server boots.
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